Monday, March 4, 2013

What Makes a Society Just?


A ruler is like a heart to the society, so the decision he makes is very important to the society.  A ruler should be responsible for the the quality of life for his citizens.  For example, today in many countries has medical insurance up to eighteen year old, so the lower income family don't have worry about paying the expensive medical bills.  In addition, a good ruler should also be responsible to become a role model for other people, otherwise, no one is going to listen to him.  For example, Gandhi is a leader of Indian right movement who started to refuse to pay tax and make salt by hands. 

A heart without limbs is going to be useless, the way citizens behave is also important.  This is where human natures comes in play.  I think people are naturally good.  People at birth are naturally good.  Their natures are similar, but their habits the environment make them different.  For example, the babies make mistakes but not their starting point is always harmless, in comparism to experienced adult, (not all of them) they know what is best for their life so they will pay anything to reach the goal regardless of money, or going against law. 

Government also plays a important role in a just society.  Everyone should be equal no matter how rich or poor you are.  In terms of tax, everyone should be paying the same amount of tax, there's no right that says rich people should pay more and poor people pay less.  And there's no standard that can divide up rich and poor people.   

Honor codes are the way how people should behave within the society.  Just like school's Character Counts motivate people to be have better behavior,  but people doesn't follow them all the time, you still see fights, bullying going on in the school.  Honor code only have a little affect to us unless there's exciting reward. 



  1. I think Daoism is the best for making a society just, because learning from the nature instead of living in the crowded city can get away from the all the human beings, so you don't get distraction, and adjust your thought and understand what you really want to achieve.

  2. Capitalism is that people will have their own property.

    Communism is people do not have their own property, instead the government divided it up base on their wealth.

    I think Capitalism is the best, because how much a person deserve to have is base on how much did he/she gave out.

    In a society, the wealth should be owned by the people who made it, unless they want to donate it.
