Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Cars #5

            I have learned a lot of new and interesting facts and figures about automobiles. After researching and looking up bunch of information about cars it made much easier for me to write about it. I also got to known a lot of history and some of the cool historic facts about cars. The basic definition of an automobile that I learned is that it a vehicle with at least four wheels that has the maximum capacity for two to four people to fit in. The history of the early cars was super unique and interesting. The basic history of earlier cars basically started at the early ages of 1769 with the great succession of a steam powered vehicle. One of the other types of the automobiles that got me interested were the old fashioned electric powered cars. Soon, the concept of assembly line system was brought in many of the factories.
          The idea was mostly spread by Henry Ford which began in 1914. Ford company was the first one to develop an affordable car especially for middle class society of that time. His Model T was highly appreciated by other Americans. Ford sold enough Model Ts to earn the best known person at that time. Between 1908 and 1927, Ford sold over 15 million Model Ts which also contributed in his popularity and success as well. At first, the cost of Model T was about $850 but soon Ford managed to reduce the amount to $300. As the time is passing by, the new generation cars are getting more reliable, effective  facilitation  nicer, lighter weight and fancier day by day. The prices are going up as well which can be hard for some people to afford. I also focused and researched more on the specific functions and features of some of the cool cars.
         I researched and learned more about the racing cars and what makes them so special and different than the regular cars. The sport of auto racing first started in 1890s where most races were held on the regular roads. The auto racing organization was established in France during 1895. It is mostly used to check the speed and performance of the vehicle. The greatest automobile racing is the Indianapolis 500. In auto racing, the most important piece of safety equipment for a driver is his helmet.The Federation Internationale de I' Automobile (FIA) regulates the automobile racing in over 95 countries throughout the world. The Automobile Competition Committee for United States (ACCUS) governs U.S racing as being part of FIA.
        I also got learn more about the traffic collisions and really affects them. Some of the major factors that contribute in the traffic collisions include the vehicle design, road design or type of environment, and driver's own skills to drive. Worldwide it was estimated in 2004 that 1.2 million people were killed and 50 million more were injured due to the motor vehicle collisions Driver impairment describes factors that prevent the driver from driving at it's normal level which includes alcohol, sleep deprivation, drug use, old age or any kind of other distraction. World's first car accident occurred on 31 August 1869.
        Even though through researching and looking up information about cars, I still feel like I haven't gotten much further. I want to learn as much as I possibly can about the cars since this are one of the most amazing technology I have ever learned or heard about. Some of the possible topics that I want to focus more on is who and why people even thought about developing something like automobiles, Why do accidents are happening so often now a days, Does the car prices have to do anything with the current economy, and lastly I would like to know more about why some cars have more success over others.

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