Monday, March 4, 2013

what makes society just ?

Honor codes are character counts, good lead ship. people can be proud of lots of things, such as family, friends, and school. A ruler in society is responsible for the country/ people safety. People should go to sleep knowing their're safe. Government should not take more money from the rich people because they earned that money and they should keep it/ do whatever they want with it not gave it to the government. therefore i think justice is when there is a good leader that care about their country and other peoples safety.


  1. I think Confucianism is the best because when the older person teaches the younger person whats right from wrong. The younger person is influenced by the other person. For example, when a father teaches and influence his son, his son would want to be like his father when he grows up.

  2. Capitalism is when people own property and run companies.The workers get made so little.
    Communism is when the government owns property and run companies. Everyone gets paid equally.
    I think communism is the best because some people work hard and study hard to have a better and wealth live but some people deice not to study hard and not to have a good, wealth live like others.
    In a society the wealth should be owned by people but the workers should get money that they can life on not so little that they cant afford to buy food.
