Monday, March 4, 2013

What make society just

Overall, in terms of leadership, factors affecting human nature, government and honor codes, I personally think a good leader will just the society. A good leader that makes the right decisions will create a better life for citizens. A good leader will help organize his citizens by creating honor codes, making laws and giving honors.A leader's decisions will make society good or bad, and that means having a good leader is important for a society to be just.
  Secondly, I think having the honor codes and laws will make the society just, but don't give too many laws because citizens will get mad. Having the honor codes are like having the restrictions for those people who want to have the honor.I personally think that laws are really important to a society because without laws people will become violence.Laws tell us what should we do and what should we not do. In a society, everyone shared the same laws, and no excuse for presidents even.


  1. I think legalism is the best way to make people behave because without rules people will become wild. Laws are the best thing to restrict people to behave. If you violate it, you will get punishments. If you do well with it, you will get rewards. This is what real life is.

  2. Capitalism is an economic system that leader owned the properties of land and factory. They paid worker very little in order to rich themselves.
    Communism is an economic system that government owned the properties of land and factory in order to distribute wealth equally.
    I think Communism is the best because government can distribute wealth , and people are fairly wealth.
    In a society, the wealth should own by government, and it will make the society in order to achieve communism.
