Monday, March 4, 2013

What makes a society just????????

               There could be tons of things that could contribute in shaping your society and a lot of which are pretty obvious to the humans in order to compare and determine the faults that could help us to maintain our own surroundings. In my opinion there could be a lot of reasons for a leader to be successful, one of the most important things that make the leader just and more powerful is if the ruler of that particular country cares about the people living under his system. He should always be caring and respecting the needs and abilities of the citizens that are currently resides in that country or nation. The ruler is providing the nation with all the possible equal rights that the his people deserve. The country's ruler should make the rules and regulations that are completely fair to the people and it also be fulfilling the necessities. If the following laws are bad or cruel or the people disagree with them or don't want to follow them for some reason than the law should definitely be removed and the people should protest against it. On the other hand if the law made by the president is just and contains equality and the people aren't just obeying it than he has to take some kind of action to stop that because it is obviously going to benefit the people themselves. According to what I think, mostly people in the world are not naturally bad when they are born. It really depends on the kind of surroundings or the type of environment they are living in and what's really happening around them. For instance, if you are living in a violent neighborhood where other people are being killed or kidnapped every single day and there is robbery everywhere than hopefully you are going to get the same kind of affects and you are probably you are going to adopt the same kind of habits because you are watching them as you grow developing the exact same character traits. On the other side, if you are residing in a good neighborhood, there are great chances for you of developing good type of personality traits. You could also have enough confidence and unique abilities to try to change the surroundings around you. Your parents can be a great influence on you so basically try to give you your shape. The government should always be distributing the wealth equally among the people. In this case, they also have to be extra careful about how they are going to do that because in a lot of cases only the rich people get all the money and goods and the poor population doesn't receive a single coin and is left with nothing most of the time. So, it really depends on the ruler and it's all in it's hands whether he wants to improve his country's system or leave them on their own and then the country falls in crisis. I completely agree with the counter counts and the honor code relationship together. If you are honest and a hard working person, you are definitely more likely to be more successful in your upcoming life comparing to the ones that are lazy and not like to put in a lot of effort and which gets less good results in the upcoming life. So, most probably if the person that is more successful than the other he/she is or would be following the character counts. If you talk about the individual's behavior and how he reacts to certain situations than that could also be connected with the character counts. If you have the good type of  characters that support your behavior than also shows what type of personality or character traits you have in you.


  1. I think Legalism works the best because if my country's President wouldn't apply any laws on it's country or the people under his control, than the people would do whatever they want(including bad things). In this situation people don't even have the fear of anyone who would punish them for their actions.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Capitalism is an economic system in which all the wealth is owned by the individuals and not by the government. Communism is opposite of capitalism because under this system all the country's wealth is owned by that country's government instead of the people. If I am to compare these two systems,I would probably choose capitalism because in my opinion wealth should be distributed among the people based on their skill level and how much effort they put in whatever they are responsible for doing. I think in a society all the wealth should be owned by the government because when the individual people have all the possible power they sometimes become really greedy and when that happens they don't care about others anymore since they think that now they can easily dominate others with their power and ability.
