Thursday, March 14, 2013

10 facts about Lithuanian schools

#1-Lithuanian schools start at 7a.m.  and end at 1 p.m. 

#2-In Lithuania the schools have a different grading scale, they don't have A's ,B's, C's, D's, and F's.   Instead they have numbers; 10 the best and 1 the worst. 

#3-Lithuanian schools are way harder then American schools. 

#4-We don't have schools buses in Lithuania. So kids either get dropped off by their parents or walk to school.

#5-Lithuania doesn't a high school, middle school, nor a elementary school. Instead all the kids go to the same school. 

#6-The teachers are more strict in Lithuania then in America. 

#7-Not every single Lithuanian school makes kids have a gym class , unlike in America kids must have a gym class everyday. 

#8-Kids in Lithuanian start school at age 6 or 7.

#9-All schools in Lithuania start on September 1st, unlike in America all schools start on a different day after summer brake. 

#10-Kids need to take a maturity exam every spring in Lithuanian schools. 

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