Thursday, February 21, 2013

Syrian Revolution.... blog#1

Syrian Revolution

Map of Syria
The Syrian revolution started in 15, March, 2011. it's started in Dara, it's a big city in the south of Syria. it's began when the government arrested 15 children because they wrote on the walls some words about the government for example"Freedom" and other words, and also there was a page on the Facebook nobody know who own this page. This page was write some articles to make the Syrian people make a revolution against the government. The parent wanted to get back them children and some people agree with the page and decided to make the first protest. On Friday 15, March, 2011 they did the first protest against the government. they start saying some bad words against the government. The police came to control the protest, but when the police failed to control it they start to shooting the people. They killed 4 people in the first day.The government channel said they only killed one person and it was mistake. Then the idea of making a revolution start spread to the other cities by Facebook, Twitter and other websites.
These people are Killed in a city called"Doma"
In this period the people became in three groups, The first group is the people who want to change the government, the second group is the people who don't want to be inside the conflict, so they stay out of it, the last group is the people who don't want to make the people take them freedom. When the government start killing a lot of people some soldiers felt bad about shooting the people so they decided to leave the Army and create a new Army called the FSA (Free Syrian Army).
The FSA started protect the protests, so when the government attack the protest, the FSA will start shooting the government soldier. The government army start using the tanks, and helicopter to defeat the FSA. The FSA doesn't have enough equipment to destroy the government's tanks or helicopter. So the FSA decided to capture the Airports which that helped them to have more weapons to destroy the government's equipment.

That Arab countries and the United Nation tried to solve the conflict between the government and the people but actually they failed...

See more click here

I learned from this article why the Syrian revolution start, and why the FSA always wants to control the Airports
To Read more about the FSA click here


1 comment:

  1. Omar, I am very sorry that there are such horrible things happening in your country and I hope solutions can be found soon. I am glad that you are researching this subject and I hope your country can live in peace soon.
