Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Cars #2


Automobile (motor car, auto car or car) is usually described as a four wheeled vehicle which has the seats, it also need to have maximum capacity for at least one to eight people to easily fit in. It is mainly used for transporting passengers which has an engine or a motor. The history of the early cars was super unique and interesting. The history of the automobiles basically started in the early ages of 1769 and it started with the succession of the first vehicle consisting of steam engine which was capable for human transportation. Later, in 1885 the cars powered through the internal combustion engine got introduced which were running on fuel gas. In the beginning of the 20th century, the demand of the cars that were certainly powered by the electric power was getting really high but unfortunately as the 21st century turned up the main demand of the electric powered cars started to decrease. The first working steam powered car was built by Ferdinand Verbiest. Then, in 1902 the massive production of the affordable automobiles was first introduced by Ransom Olds and he started all this in his Oldsmobile factory which was located in Lansing, Michigan. The factory system was based upon the assembly line techniques. Soon the concept of the assembly line was widely spreaded by Henry Ford which begin in 1914. At first, Henry Ford used to make his automobiles in the same exact way as the other automobile making companies did but as he got introduced to this wonderful method of assembly line in 1913 he started making the cars much faster than he used to do before. Although Ford did not invent the automobile himself, he developed and manufactured the first automobile that many middle class Americans were able to afford to buy. His introduction of the Model T automobile modernized transportation and American industry. As being the owner of the Ford Motor Company, he became one of the richest and best-known people in the world. Between 1908 and 1927, Ford sold more than 15 million Model Ts in total. First the cost of Model T was $850 (about $20,000 now a days) but by the end Ford somehow managed to reduce the price of it's model to $300 (about $3700 today). On December 10,River Rouge plant in Detroit. On one hand, the cars are pretty useful including transportation purposes but on the same other hand, they have major disadvantages and one of the most trouble causing situation is the problem of noise and the air population. Now a days, the cars are increasing in huge majority which also brings some difficulties too. Cars industries are also making great income through this widely growing business. The cars are getting more reliable, nicer, less weight and more fancier day by day. The top 10 cars in the U.S includes:  Honda, Mazda, Porsche, Hyundai, Ford, Chevrolet, BMW, Mercedes, Audi, Toyota, Acura and more.  

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