Thursday, February 21, 2013

Syrian Revolution.... blog#1

Syrian Revolution

Map of Syria
The Syrian revolution started in 15, March, 2011. it's started in Dara, it's a big city in the south of Syria. it's began when the government arrested 15 children because they wrote on the walls some words about the government for example"Freedom" and other words, and also there was a page on the Facebook nobody know who own this page. This page was write some articles to make the Syrian people make a revolution against the government. The parent wanted to get back them children and some people agree with the page and decided to make the first protest. On Friday 15, March, 2011 they did the first protest against the government. they start saying some bad words against the government. The police came to control the protest, but when the police failed to control it they start to shooting the people. They killed 4 people in the first day.The government channel said they only killed one person and it was mistake. Then the idea of making a revolution start spread to the other cities by Facebook, Twitter and other websites.
These people are Killed in a city called"Doma"
In this period the people became in three groups, The first group is the people who want to change the government, the second group is the people who don't want to be inside the conflict, so they stay out of it, the last group is the people who don't want to make the people take them freedom. When the government start killing a lot of people some soldiers felt bad about shooting the people so they decided to leave the Army and create a new Army called the FSA (Free Syrian Army).
The FSA started protect the protests, so when the government attack the protest, the FSA will start shooting the government soldier. The government army start using the tanks, and helicopter to defeat the FSA. The FSA doesn't have enough equipment to destroy the government's tanks or helicopter. So the FSA decided to capture the Airports which that helped them to have more weapons to destroy the government's equipment.

That Arab countries and the United Nation tried to solve the conflict between the government and the people but actually they failed...

See more click here

I learned from this article why the Syrian revolution start, and why the FSA always wants to control the Airports
To Read more about the FSA click here


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

ABOUT SYRIA (culture) #2

Syria is very old county ,so it's have a big  culture in food or human intellectual or song and dance.

Aleppo castles

there is a lot of  Castles in Syria like Aleppo castles,Damascus castles and hten castles there is more than ten more but  this is the  most famous three castles in Syria.

Syria is located in Southwestern Asia, north of the Arabian Peninsula in the Middle East, at the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea.

The roughly 26 million inhabitants of Syria are an overall indigenous Levantine people. Syria's population is 74% Sunni Muslim (includes most Arabs and Kurds, and 16% other Muslim groups (including 13.0% Alawi and Shi'a Muslims ( Imami/Twelvers and Ismailis/Seveners), 3% Druze) and 10% Christian, with a Syrian Jewish community of a few dozen.and most people live near the sea and river that mean in the
middle and west. 

They speak the Arabic language in Syria its very old language.

Syria have a lot of different food and its has in the Syrian history more than 150 a spies come to the Royal Kitchen come to see how syrian can make like that food most spies was from Turkey and Greece. The Syrian food have a lot of meat and veritable.

  Eid al haj one of very important holidays in Syria and the most of people celebrate it and they go to pray in the first day of it and eat food with family.

Syrian have a big holiday for all people (school government factory) in 17 April because we get the freedom from France. The name of it is independence day.and they Celebrate in a lot of other but this most important celebration.

The money in Syria 5 groups it is 1000, 500,200,100,50 the abbreviation for it is ps. The exchange for dollar is every 1 $ = 95p.s. but it was before the war about 1 $ = 46p.s.

That is photo for most popular dance in Syria the name of it (dabka) but the people don't dance it a lot.and some times they use the sword in the dance and the people dance in wedding , party and when someone get child so they do party and dance.

some information about Syrian:
Syrians always welcome guests, friends and strangers into there homes.  They do everything possible to make there guest feel right at home.  The host is only pleased when they see their guests pleased.  They will offer food and drinks and even the wall painting if you stare at it long enough.  And they do not accept no as an answer, to them it is an insult. 

Some Syrian Customs revolve around there crafts.  Traditional crafts are still made the way they were thousands of years ago.   The skills of Embroidery, Ceramics, Pottery, Jewelry and Basketry are all passed down from generation to generation.  These traditions exemplify Syrian values.

Embroidery - This is one of the most important traditional crafts of Syrian women and one which has, in recent years, been incorporated into high fashion.   Elegant gowns and jackets have been created using traditional needlework together with rich, Middle Eastern fabrics.

This art of embroidery has been carried over into the making of cushions, which grace the decor of many Syrian homes. Colors range from shades of red, maroon, purple and pink, with bright additions of green, orange and gold. Simple cross-stitch is the basis for a plethora of complicated designs and recurring motifs include trees, flowers, feathers, waves and geometric zig-zags or triangles.

Ceramics & Pottery - Syria has many natural clay deposits, which have been used for many centuries in the making of pottery. Early examples of pottery consisted of vessels for food storage, which had been sun-cured and baked in a pit fired with straw and dung. Large coil-and-slab pots, known as jarra, were originally used to store water or olive oil.

Jewelry - Jewelry has a long history in Syria.  Stores of gold and silver jewelry dating from Roman times have been unearthed on various archaeological sites. Today, gold and silver jewelry is worn by all strata of society. The jewelry includes bracelets, chokers, rings, hair ornaments, long chains and rows of coins attached to necklaces or headdresses.

all this information is before the war in Syria after the war every thing change and that is some pic 

Arab culture

Arab culture refers to the culture in the countries in which the official language is Arabic (although the Arabic language in some of them is the language of minority), and the west officials and scholars used to call them "Arab countries" of West Asia and North Africa, from Morocco to the Arabian Sea. Language, literature, gastronomy, art, architecture, music, spirituality, philosophy, mysticism (etc.) are all part of the cultural heritage of the pan-Arab world.
Arab dress for men ranges from the traditional flowing robes to blue jeans, T-shirts and western business suits. The robes allow for maximum circulation of air around the body to help keep it cool, and the head dress provides protection from the sun. At times, Arabs mix the traditional garb with Western clothes.
Headdress The male headdress is also known as Keffiyeh. Headdress pattern might be an indicator of which tribe, clan, or family the wearer comes from. However, this is not always the case. While in one village, a tribe or clan might have a unique headdress, in the next town over an unrelated tribe or clan might wear the same headdress.
  • Checkered headdresses relate to type and government and participation in the Hajj, or a pilgrimage to Mecca.
  • Red and white checkered headdress – Generally of Jordanian origin. Wearer has made Hajj and comes from a country with a Monarch.
  • Black and white checkered headdress – The pattern is historically of Palestinian origin.
  • Black and grey represent Presidential rule and completion of the Hajj.
  • Shi’a- black turbans associated with Shi’a clergy who are somehow connected to the Prophet Muhammed or Ali Ibn Abi Talib the cousin of the Prophet who was the 4th Khalif of Islam, and whom they claim was the leader of the Shi’a sect.
  • Those who wear white turbans are associated with the lower echelons of the Shi’a hierarchy.
Adherence to traditional dress varies across Arab societies. Saudi Arabia is more traditional, while Egypt is less so. Traditional Arab dress features the full length body cover (abaya, jilbāb, or chador) and veil (hijab). Women are required to wear abayas in only Saudi Arabia. In most countries, like Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Jordan, Syria and Egypt, the veil is not mandatory. It is clear that religiously speaking the mention of the bur'qa doesn't exist for Muslims women and today represents more a politic position than a religious interpretation... About the veil, nowadays, some religious think that hijab is not obligatory while others think that it is.

Hunting Whales

This article revealed the lies behind the Japan hunting whales. Japan told the public that hunting whale is for science, but the truth is that people can still study science by not hunting. Other  scientists had prove that not hunting can still study the specific data of whales. Hunting whale is like a culture for Japanese. They eat it as food, and they love it. Japanese is an island that had less natural resource , but the sea was around them. For Japanese , hunting sea creature is absolute necessary actions. They stated that whale is the one who destroyed the fishes' breeding .For them killing whale is something right to do, but whale eats fishes is how food chain always worked. Hunting large amount of whale was like breaking the rule of nature. Japan clearly was lying about hunting whale ; they did all these is because of their desires.

The Cars #2


Automobile (motor car, auto car or car) is usually described as a four wheeled vehicle which has the seats, it also need to have maximum capacity for at least one to eight people to easily fit in. It is mainly used for transporting passengers which has an engine or a motor. The history of the early cars was super unique and interesting. The history of the automobiles basically started in the early ages of 1769 and it started with the succession of the first vehicle consisting of steam engine which was capable for human transportation. Later, in 1885 the cars powered through the internal combustion engine got introduced which were running on fuel gas. In the beginning of the 20th century, the demand of the cars that were certainly powered by the electric power was getting really high but unfortunately as the 21st century turned up the main demand of the electric powered cars started to decrease. The first working steam powered car was built by Ferdinand Verbiest. Then, in 1902 the massive production of the affordable automobiles was first introduced by Ransom Olds and he started all this in his Oldsmobile factory which was located in Lansing, Michigan. The factory system was based upon the assembly line techniques. Soon the concept of the assembly line was widely spreaded by Henry Ford which begin in 1914. At first, Henry Ford used to make his automobiles in the same exact way as the other automobile making companies did but as he got introduced to this wonderful method of assembly line in 1913 he started making the cars much faster than he used to do before. Although Ford did not invent the automobile himself, he developed and manufactured the first automobile that many middle class Americans were able to afford to buy. His introduction of the Model T automobile modernized transportation and American industry. As being the owner of the Ford Motor Company, he became one of the richest and best-known people in the world. Between 1908 and 1927, Ford sold more than 15 million Model Ts in total. First the cost of Model T was $850 (about $20,000 now a days) but by the end Ford somehow managed to reduce the price of it's model to $300 (about $3700 today). On December 10,River Rouge plant in Detroit. On one hand, the cars are pretty useful including transportation purposes but on the same other hand, they have major disadvantages and one of the most trouble causing situation is the problem of noise and the air population. Now a days, the cars are increasing in huge majority which also brings some difficulties too. Cars industries are also making great income through this widely growing business. The cars are getting more reliable, nicer, less weight and more fancier day by day. The top 10 cars in the U.S includes:  Honda, Mazda, Porsche, Hyundai, Ford, Chevrolet, BMW, Mercedes, Audi, Toyota, Acura and more.  

Soccer #2

Passion Project

Barcelona vs AC Milan, a match that doesn't happen often. Its a match that you would probably see once in years. And I guess this was the lucky year for these two teams to compete against each other. So on February 20th 2013 these two teams faced; and it wasn't just any match, it was a match that would determine which team would advance to the next round of the UEFA Champions League. For the ones that don't know what UEFA Champions League is, well it is basically a tournament in which all the top clubs of Europe in their leagues compete against each other to determine which team will be the champion of Europe and there are two legs in this tournament meaning one is played in one teams home ground and the other at other teams home ground. The winner is determined by adding the number of goals a team scored in both of the legs. Whenever there is a tie, the team that scored the most goals in the away game advances. 
Barcelona is one of the best clubs of Spain and AC Milan is one of the best clubs of Italy and if these two compete against each other, you would definitely see one heck of a match. A match that would last for a long long time. So while I was going over this article I was surprised when I found out the result of the match. It was the exact opposite of what I was expecting. I knew that Barcelona would have won the game but unfortunately they lost; not just conceding one but two goals.This was the first time that AC Milan defeated Barcelona in eight matches. For most of the match, AC Milan dominated however there were some chances that Barcelona got which probably could have lead to a goal but unfortunately it didn't. Even their megastar Lionel Messi who was the Fifa Ballon d'Or winner of 2013 couldn't do anything for this team. However, their midfielders Xavi and Iniesta played brilliantly but still their crosses weren't good enough for the strikers to score a goal.  As for as AC Milan is concerned, they did a magnificent job and they definitely deserved the victory. If they play with the same tactics in the second leg they would definitely reach the next round infact they might even win the tournament because in the past years, whoever has beaten Barcelona has later on won the tournament.
So what did I learn after reading the article? Well, I learned that soccer is basically a sport in which anything could happen; meaning in just a matter of minutes it can drastically change the entire outcome of the match. From what looks like an even match can later on turn out to be a one sided match. You never know what to expect in Soccer. For an example, there was this match between Manchester United and Bayern Munich a long time ago. For what looked like an easy 2-0 victory for Munich later turned out to be a 3-2 loss for them; this happened in just a couple of minutes. Another example was what happened last year in the same tournament. That match was being playing against Chelsea and Bayern Munich. Throughout that match no teams scored but around 85th minute, Munich scored a goal, but not for long, soon the other team also scored a goal when their were just a few seconds left in the game. Due to this the match then went to extra time and then on penalties. Also, no matter what teams face each other, you would definitely enjoy watching Soccer unlike other sports like Football because that sport doesn't keep going, it stops after a few seconds which doesn't make the game that much interesting. However, Soccer doesn't stop , it just keeps going nonstop for 90 minutes with just a few minutes of break after 45 minutes. That is what makes Soccer unique and different from other sports. Even if you go to watch a Soccer match you're only there for 90 minutes and those 90 minutes are enjoyable for you because you are being entertained. And in some cases those 90 minutes are one of your best moments because of what you witnessed.  There is so much other stuff that I learned from this article, the list just goes on and on. 


pakistani weddings #3


A marriagis a relationship between a man and a woman in every culture. A Pakistani weddings are often very big and its entertaining. Most of people like arrange marriage in Pakistan. There are many different parts in Pakistani weddings. before  one week of wedding day people celebrate Dholki. All the women will gather in the house of the bride at night to sing and dance. Next thing is called Mehndi. it takes place two days before wedding.The groom's friends and family bring along sweets and henna for the bride, and the bride's family does the same for the groom. A day on the wedding all Muslim couple perform Nikkah, and it's an official ceremony. Also that day is called Barrat and they are many traditions that perform on that day, and all the guest eat food. One other thing that take place on barrat is Rukhsati. when the groom and his family will leave together with the bride.The Quran normally held over the bride's head as she walks from the stage to the exit. The final day of the wedding is called Walima. The groom's family, specifically his parents, invite all of the bride's family and their guests to their home, marriage hall or a hotel. After walima day couple who got married go to honeymoon.

Racial Discrimination

      Racial Discrimination is been a problem exist for a long time. Today, we still have the racism problem exist in our society. This problem had been discussed many time and people still argue about. Some people does not know what kind of situation called discrimination. The discrimination among races is like a group of people  think their race is in a higher position or worth respectful than other races. Their action is intentionally harmful or pejorative to other people. Racism is people divided in to groups that share the same identity. The group share the same identity means they share the same skin color, eyes color, and the same culture or religions. Racism is based on view to determined that people are different.

    Back to the history, discrimination does not exist because people don't know what is discrimination. On Africa history, there was a lot of slaves and segregation. When the time get longer some people thought this is not right. Then they started to fight for equal right. They give speech about everyone is the equal. Finally the slaves were free and they made Racial Discrimination in to Constitution. Today more people started to believe everyone is equal and the same.  Everyone deserve the equal right, people respect each other and their religion.

Hundred years war'_War
from this article , i learned hundred years war English invaded France by create a colon in Normandy for help France defending pirate. of course , France fight back .This war last long 116 years, and it can divide into 4 phrase. first phrase during is 1337-1360, Britain and France to compete in Flanders and Keane. second phrase end by Britain's victory. second phrase is during 1360- 1400, France king Charles V commenced revenge, end by France's victory, but France didn't recover all of their area. third phrase is during 1414-1429, Burgundy, Oman Jacques factions infighting Britain took the opportunity to fight back, at this phrase end , Britain controlled almost France's area, and  Britain King Henry V became regent of France, and he can take the right to inherit the throne of France after the death of Charles VI. the lucky thing is, France king and Britain dead at same year. the fourth phrase began with contest France throw, france almost lost during the war. at this time, a legend people, Jeanned'Arc, became the leader of the France and finally leader France to the the war is end, France recaptured their land. but the result is there have thousands people dead during this war. 

Russian Prime Minister claims extraterrestrials live among us

On Friday, December 7, the current Russian Prime Minister and former President, Dmitry Medvedev, made some startling off-air comments to reporters while his microphone was still switched on. He was asked whether the President is given any secret files on extraterrestrials while in office. In his responses, Medvedev not only confided that extraterrestrials are visiting the Earth, but that some are actually living among us. He went even further to say that the Hollywood comedy, Men in Black, depicting a secret government agency monitoring extraterrestrials on Earth, has a factual basis to it. While the comments appear to be playful responses to a reporter’s off-beat question, they raise questions over exactly how much truth was being revealed by Medvedev. Given that Medvedev’s responses were said off-air, without him realizing that his microphone was still recording, they at face value give credence to claims that extraterrestrials are not only visiting our world, but are even living among us.
After completing an on-air interview with five television reporters, Prime Minister Medvedev continued to respond to reporters and made some off-air comments without realizing that the microphone was still on. His off-air comments were more frank about his real feelings on recent political developments in Russia where authorities were reigning in civil liberties. He was then asked by one reporter if “the president is handed secret files on aliens when he receives the briefcase needed to activate Russia's nuclear arsenal,” Medvedev responded
:Along with the briefcase with nuclear codes, the president of the country is given a special 'top secret' folder. This folder in its entirety contains information about aliens who visited our planet… Along with this, you are given a report of the absolutely secret special service that exercises control over aliens on the territory of our country… More detailed information on this topic you can get from a well-known movie called Men In Black… I will not tell you how many of them are among us because it may cause panic.
Medvedev’s comments are not the first time a prominent Russian official has spoken out aboutextraterrestrial life while giving television interviews. In an extraordinary television interviewaired in May 2010, the Governor of the Russian Republic of Kalmykia, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov who was also President of the World Chess Federation, claimed that in 1997 he was taken from his penthouse apartment on board an extraterrestrial vehicle. Ilyumzhinov claimed that the extraterrestrials he met were humanoid and gave him a tour of their ship, and even took him to another world.
There has long been claims that not only have extraterrestrials been visiting our world, but have actually lived among us. A well documented case in Italy called Amicizia (Friendship) revealed that more than 100 individuals, including senior public officials, had met with a group of extraterrestrials with bases in the Italian peninsula and the Adriatic Sea over a 22 year period from 1956 to 1978. Significantly, these extraterrestrials were secretly monitored by NATO authorities who did not interfere with private citizens meeting with and providing supplies to the extraterrestrials. The Friendship case, if genuine, suggests that something like the official agency created to monitor extraterrestrials on earth depicted in the Men In Black movies, is based in fact. Certainly, Prime Minister Medvedev appears to think that such a “secret special service” exists.
While it can be claimed that Medvedev was giving a playful response to an off-beat reporter question, the full context of his off-air remarks suggest he was being candid on a range of topics, including extraterrestrial life. Plausible deniability certainly comes to mind when trying to analyze Medvedev’s frank off-air comments. This raises the intriguing possibility that Medvedev’s comments were orchestrated with prior approval to reveal facts to the Russian public that authorities are not yet able to officially announce to the world – extraterrestrials live among us.
from the internet

2nd Blog Post

People prefer communicating online instead of talking to someone face-to-face. People are like glued to their phones and laptops. Some are so dependent on their Facebook accounts that they have to check them every minute. The society is addicted to internet and other kinds of technologies but only a very few people realize how that affects their relationships. Also technology has affect on the ability to speak and write correctly. There are many abbreviations that are being used online but actually are used in school and work too. Even thought technology might be bad, there are good sides of it. You can find useful information or communicate faster with other people.


Chinese Painting #2

Online source:
                 (Xuan paper)

Chinese painting is the one of the oldest traditional painting in the world.  It uses the same techniques that calligraphy use.  They both use the materials called "the four treasures  of study".  It include the writing brush, ink stick, ink slab and paper.  The paper they use is called Xuan paper or rice paper, it's made of  the bark of a common species of elm.  Xuan paper have a smooth and fine texture,which make the painting The process of making Xuan paper is complicated and some of them are secret.  The finished work can be put on scroll, whether is a hanging scroll or hand scroll.  

There's two main types of Chinese painting are Gong-bi and Shui-mo.  Gong-bi means "meticulous".  This style of painting has highly detailed brushstrokes, and it requires close attention while painting.  The painter have to draw the outlines first, and then add colors layer by layer to be able to build up the effect of the painting. 

The second branch is called Shui-mo.  Basic Shui-mo painting shown as black and white, because it only uses black ink to work with, but there are differents techniques by add or lessen water to make different effects, such as thick, light, dry or wet.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Arab Culture

I want to study in Arab culture.

There are a lot of students is from Arab world. I can't understand their ways of life. I can't understand their language. I can't understand their religion. 


Chinese Painting #1

I'm going to study the Chinese painting. This topic is interesting to me because I love art, especially Chinese painting. I also learned a few years of Chinese painting before, and I really enjoy the process that I work through the painting and getting a art piece done, no matter how bad it looks.  I like them also because Chinese paintings have a elegant look, fascinating and very detailed, but again, it can be really challenging.

I will like to study a lot of differnet things about Chinese painting.  For example, different types of Chinese paintings; the evolution of Chinese painting;  Chinese painting materials, etc. 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

ancient big Europe war

1 ancient Europe wars
2 i like big battle
3 why they were fighting

The Alien

        The Extraterrestrial civilizations study is very useful for the human community and the Earth. The study of alien will help us protect our self from other life forms. After human get in the space or get out of the Solar system, it is more important to defend our planet,and it is very useful for the human science and technology. For example, if we find the Aliens, we can build a diplomatic relations with them on the trade side, technology side and science side. If they are not friendly, we can discover it earlier and start to deploy some military defense to defend the human beings There is no danger when there is preparedness. We can stabilize the status of the human in the universe. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Soccer #1

1st Passion Project Blog

There were a lot of topics that I would like to study about, but for this Passion Project, the topic that I would like to study about is Soccer. I'm sure you have heard of Soccer and have probably seen at-least one Soccer match in your life. So basically I would like to know every single thing about Soccer. For example, where it originated from, how it became one of the most watched sport in the world. Another thing that I would like to know is that 

There are a lot of reasons why I would like to study about Soccer. First of all, I was always interested in studying about Soccer since I am a big fan of it. Also, I have been watching Soccer since 2006. That was when the FIFA World Cup was going on which was hosted by Germany. The instant I watched the first match of the World Cup, I got so much involved in it that I couldn't stop watching. 

The things that I will be looking for about Soccer will be that how did it all start. Another thing is that when was the first Soccer match played and which teams were competed against each other. Another thing I would be looking for will be the history of the FIFA World Cup and lastly, what is unique about Soccer that makes people go crazy whenever there is a match going on. 


The Cars

The Cars

 I already know a lot of different characteristics and functions of the cars but I want to know more details about them. I would like find out how the earlier cars back in mid 1900s looked like. Also, who first thought about the idea of making an automobile just to ease transportation for people. I want to know more about the guy who came up with the idea of designing a four wheel automobile (car). In which country cars first started to develop. I am more excited to learn more about the upcoming technologies the cars would have in them. Do  people really believe on cars as long as they are safe?

music #1

            I want to know, Who started music? What kinda of music do people like to listen too and why? I am intersect in music because i like listening to music. I want to study the difference between each country and their songs? why do people listen to the songs they listen to? who started music in each country?  who came up with the different kinda of music and why? 

the strongest country in the past #1

i want to study about who was the strongest country and have power and control in the world i am interesting in that because i like history and i want  to know the people who they are in the history i read a lot about Arabic history and i want to make it now about all world.

post # 1

Pakistani culture # 1

 I am studying about Pakistani culture and weddings.I am interesting in learning it because I know a lot about Pakistani culture and traditions and want to learn more about it.I will study about it's culture, traditions and weddings.

fast food in america

I am reseaching fast food in America, because I am amazed at how much fast food Americans eat on a daily basis. I am basing my research on the book -Fast Food Nation- by Eric Schlosser, who exposes where fast food comes from, how it is produced and what price the environment, workers and animals have to pay, in order for us to eat 'the all American meal'.

Whale Killing

          The topic I study this semester was whale killing in Japan.I was interested in this topic because I once saw a video about whale killing Japan on YouTube, and the scene of killing whale was really bloody.I also read an article about thousands of whale were killed by Japanese.The question I have is why there are nobody stand up to speak for animals. Isn't there's animal rights in Japan?

Technology growth and influence on people #1

I am going to study about how technology grows that quick and how does it affect on people's relationships.I am interested in this topic because I see how people don't communicate with each other. For example can be when a family goes on a dinner everybody is checking their Facebook accounts, emails or just texting. They spend too much time being online and being in the virtual world. My subquestions and topics are how the technology became such a big part of every person's life and why we are like addicted to technology.


Mehndi is the design of like smooth heena look. ________
You made designs of _mehdi is to make the hands looks beautiful and dazzling._________
Some designs people in India use come from
There are different types of mehndi such as Arabic mehndi, Rajasthani mehndi, simple mehndi, Pakistani mehdi, Indian mehdi, all kind of mehdi we will use and they com from every were use if you want and mehdi is most popular in India and Pakistan.

The article is:

indian Mehndi Designs

Among many other different mehndi designs the Arabic mehndi deigns are one of the most popular and eminent in the whole world. Many Asian countries as well as in Pakistan and India events and wedding ceremonies are incomplete without the mehndi. The Arabic mehndi designs mostly includes different categories of designs such as floral, petal and butterfly as the major purpose of the mehndi is to make the hands looks beautiful and dazzling but it becomes even for eye grabbing when the mehndi is applied beautifully on the hands and this beautification can be made even more beautiful when it is done by some mehndi expert or trainer. Therefore whenever we start considering the Arabic mehndi designs for hands always make sure to get an expert trainer because certain designs are so complicated for an ordinary person to designs it on her hands. 
Most of the mehndi deigns often includes the pattern animals and birds and much of the designs are complex looking but Arabic mehndi designs are simple and plain and gives the sense of gracefulness to the women. All the girls and children finds it immensely fascinating and exciting when they apply the images of different shapes on their hands that looks eye-catching for others. Arabic mehndi designs also allow the women to get the sip of these designs on their feet as well. Freshly the new Arabic mehndi designs for hands 2012 has been introduced that have been anxiously waited the whole year by many girls and women. This new collection of mehndi designs has been additionally given the touch of different colors along with the application of glitters. At the end if any one of you has not yet tried the Arabic mehndi designs then don’t wait anymore because these designs are becoming the attraction of everyone so you can also attain the chance to make your hands more beautiful on this Eid.

Middle age in Europe#1

            I want know about middle age in Europe.  I was interesting about Knight and Noble.  I want know how the Knight fight is them like be Individual heroism or be use Conspiracy.  Is the Noble can decide other people's life.  Is all the Noble are bad because in today's story and movie most Noble are bad.  They caught slave, kill, mine to people...  And is the Knight was justice?  There is lot thing I want know.  Also I want know how they live, what they eat normal why the Knight allegiance to Noble.  When they have different thinking what they do.
At middle age in Europe the people live for no hope.  Lot war happen because that time didn’t has a strong leader and country.  The science stop to develop, we call thtat time dark time. Three types of fighting men during the middle ages: Foot Soldiers, Archers and Cavalry.  Also there has knight, noble and king.  That time it divide different layer, king, noble, knight, soldier, civilian and slave.  The layer is the rule at that time the noble can do anything to civilian and slave so civilian and slave want be the noble.  They need become soldier get military medals to be a noble.  The knight is a base noble they listen for noble and king.  Knights despised pecuniary reward, they need be honest, brave, fair, protect weak, courtesy, generous, loyal.  They has their believe and at any time they need tell the truth.  The noble was the high layer at that time, they are very rich.  

At middle age time has religion they are Christian and Catholic. They are opposition, Christian say at dark time Catholic is be drop and fall, but Catholic say the opposite thing they say at that time is not dark they are very peace.  

1.At middle age of Europe has lot fight. 2.That time king and noble was rule. 3.The 2 religion in that time they are Christian and Catholic. 4.That time noble live in manor, they control their t
erritory. 5.In 1600s the factory start develop, they start produce gun to instead the knife and sword. 6.The culture at middle age of Europe is start at Italy lot Philosophers, writers, artists and scientists develop. 7.The religion became a country the king start 8 time war to fight other religion. 8.After Rome die lot country be build. 9.After Rome die we call that time dark time. 10.At 1900s the dark time be change to Romantic time.

China #1

China, what are the most important day in China, and why it is important? i want to know more about China. i want to study about the city change in the near 100 years in China.