Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Hi my name is Jamil. I go to Hinsdale central high school . I came to the USA when i was in 15 years old. i only have been in a USA for only four month. i am a sophmore  at Hinsdale central high school. I take algebra, biology,world cultures, English, and I fax. I'm in two club, which are ambassador club and Internationale club. They are really fun clubs to do. My favorite class is world cultures.

I have alot of friend some of the from the high school and most of them from outside the school, i love my Syrian friend in the school like Omar  (w hl shlh ) they help my to do my homework and to make my feel i'am in syria ,I go to play bolling with them and eating in restaurant (nsbsb w nkfl 3la al nas ) and my friend in Syria there are now every one in different country and who still in Syria they are did not died yet .My family we are six person in the home i have father and mother i see them a lot of time in the home and i have one sister  one brother and one iPhone he is my spoiled brother .

                                                           my friend in the USA

                                                                  my friend in syria

my brother

I plan in the future to be engineer or doctor  but i don't know why .  


Hello, I am Sijia. I am an exchange student from China. I am a sophomore in Hinsdale Central High School now.  I take choir, ESL English, world culture, person fitness, algebra 2 and cooking. And I am in a lot of club as well, for example FCCLA, JA company club, Care club, and Kung fu club. All in all, I enjoy my school life.
 When I am in the U.S.A, I live with my host family, people are very nice in my host family. When I am in China with my parents. I am only child, but I don't feel alone because I have a lot of friends. I like music, for example, I can play 4 kinds of musical instruments and sing.

In future, I want be a psychologist because I want to help all unhappy people, to make them happy.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


        My life isn't perfect, but who does have a perfect life. I am very satisfied what I have now. I have the most wonderful parents in the world. They love me so much, and my name is June. I am a refreshment student in Hinsdale Central High School. I like this school really much because everyone in this school is really nice and friendly. I come from China, and I've been here for three years. The most difficult things for me or for everyone are learning a new language. But after years of learning, I've become a regular student like everyone. One thing I thought is really helpful for people who learned English as a second language is to make a lot of friends. Friends could help you adopt a new environment really quick. Friends could make your schooling not so boring. 

Since I like to create things and draw stuff, Art club have become my first club that I joined in this school. I really want to join in Rubik's cube's club, but it does not have a sponsor now. I wish the sponsor could come quickly.

In the future, I want to be a toy designer because I really like to play some toys that develop IQ. For example, I can solve Rubik's cube, I had finished a 500 pieces of puzzle in half day and I had solve 3D’s puzzle in 2 hours. I thought doing those are really fun. To becoming a toy designer is my dream because I want to make people happy. In modern life, there are too many competitions and stresses happened in every day, and toys could become a tool release people's stress. As the world is developing, more inventions are invented like smart phone. The smartphone is fun, but it hurts your eyes. I want to develop toys that are not only for children, but also adults can play.

My Life

       My name is Catherine, I'm a high school student from Hinsdale Central High School. I came to America four years ago, I came from China. I'm taking ELL, Math, Spanish, PE, World Culture, Bio at Hinsdale Central. I'm in Fccla and Care club, we do charity to raise money for Chicago public school and human society. We also bake cookies and cupcakes to sale in school to raise money. I like to play badminton, and I will try out for the team. I  play violin, and I will be in the orchestra on my junior year. My favorite class is Spanish because I'm  learning the third language in my life. I never think about to speak three language in my life so I'm glad that I can learning Spanish as my third language.

     I have a nuclear family but I have six cousins. Two of my cousins were in America, New Jersey and New York. I  visit them a lot during Christmas and spring break. I have two cousin sisters they both younger than me, they were in China. I visit them during summer I like being a big sister and take care of them. I have a lot of friend in China and I still chat with them while I'm in America. I do make some friend in America, in high school. I like spend time with them, sometime they inspire me about the things I never think of. That is why I like spend time with them it's fun and they make me laugh. When I have free time I like to hang out with friend, to go shopping or to watch movies. Sometimes we play instrument together, they correct me when I was wrong and they taught me a lot. I'm glad that I still can make friends in America.

        For my future my plan is to go to the college after high school. I think I will be a doctor or a nurse after I graduated from college. In my plan my college time should be a great and happy time ever. I will to live with my friend during college and I will get a dog in my apartment. During the free time I can play badminton or violin with my friend.  I will travel a lot with my friends, we might travel the world. I will go back to China a lot to visit my family and friends.


Hey my name is Aiman Naveed. I go to Hinsdale central high School. I am freshman at Hinsdle Central. The classes I am taking are world culture, biology, english, gym, math and IFACS. My favorite class is biology because its about human being and living things. There are many clubs in my school but I am in international club and its very good.

I have a lot of friends in Central. They are very nice and kind. They like to talk a lot and share their thoughts.
I have one brother. we are only two children. My brother goes to the Hinsdale Central high school. I like to watch TV, talking with my friends and family and listen to music for fun. Also I like to play badminton and other sports. In the future I want to be a doctor because I like studying human being and living things.

My Life

Hi!  i'm Garrect.Tam, i'm a student in Hinsdale Central High School, i have world cultures in my third period.  In our school we have a project is to talk to you in email or mail.  All of this think are because we have the good teacher here, they are very good and kind to all the students in Hinsdale Central High School.
I like sport very much, i am good at riding bike and playing the soccer.  In my weekend i almost spend all the time no the sport, i like to going out door.  Therefor i have a very healthy body.  
I live in Chicago, if you come to Chicago you can come and find me i will very happy to guide you to the interesting place, i think you will have fun if you come to Chicago. 

My Life

HI, my name is Shirley Chen.  I am a Chinese immigrant from China and I have been here for almost three years.  I'm a sophomore in Hinsdale Central High School.  This is a great school.  I'm taking English 2, Geometry, World Cultures, Biology, etc.  World Cultures is the class that I'm in and writing this letter to you.  I like this class the best, because I get a chance to know different people from different cultures or religions.  And this is where I get to know you!  I'm in Art Club, where we can do artistic stuff.  We are repainting old furniture recently.  It's pretty fun.  I try-outed for badminton last year and fail, but I'm going to try again this year.  Wish me luck!

This is Lin Dan, a Chinese badminton champion at 2012 London Olympic.  I feel proud him, because I love badminton and he was born in my home town.    
My friends are mostly Chinese, but some of them are American.  Claire is my American friend and she is in my English class.  We know each other from first day of school.  We always talks about school,  and study together.  We are going to exchange Christmas gift on winter break.  isn't that exciting?  I'm looking forward to that.  Yu is my Chinese friend, I know her since seventh grade.  We also lived together for two years and went to the same elementary and high school together.     Although we don't live together anymore, but we can still see other during class period and lunch, which is nice.  

I'm living with my mom and cousin here.  I have no brother or sister, but I have five cousins and they are just like my brothers and sister.  During Chinese New Year, we usually gather up and have dinner together.  Chinese New Year in the United States is not that exciting compare to my hometown's.  However, I still like it, because I am not alone here.
Exchange Christmas gifts.

This is a Chinese New Year symbol, it means lucky.

I want to be a ESL teacher or an engineer in the future.  I want to be a teacher for ESL because I was a ESL student in my freshmen year.  I understand how it's feel to be a foreign student, I have to learn a whole new language, which is English, made me feel depressed sometimes, so I want to be a ESL students and help kids from other countries.  I also want to be a civil engineer because I heard a presentation on civil engineer before and it brought up my interest about it.   Civil engineer can work either on the field or in the office.  They come up with a plan of how to build a safe building.  I don't much about it though.  

Civil Engineer
Civil Engineer

I'm looking forward to know you!  
Write me back! :)


Roberta Kirija
My Life

                      I go to Hinsdale Central High School. We start school at 8:00 a.m. and end at 3:00 p.m. I have ten periods everyday and each one is fifty minutes long. I'm in English,world cultures, gym, lunch,science,study hall and reading class. My favorite class is probably gym class because I get to move around and talk to my friends that are in that class, its a lot of fun and not hard. My least favorite class is English 2 because I am having a really hard time in that class right now. We have freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors that go to our high school. I'm a sophomore and I still have two years until I finish high school, I'm really excited and can't wait!  

Hinsdale Central High School 


 I have many friends but two of them are my best friends, their names are Julie and Hannah. Both of them are my age and sophomores. We all hang out every weekend and we have a lot of fun for example we go shopping at the mall or go see new movies that came out in the movie theaters. I have two brothers one is 6 years old and his name is Matthew and John is 22 years old. I live with my mom step-dad and my little brother. 

I want to be a doctor

After I graduate Hinsdale Central High school I'm  planning on going to college and learn more of what I need to become a doctor. I really want to be a doctor but I'm not sure what kind yet.  The reason why I want to be  doctor is because I like helping people out. 

My life (yff)

Hi, nice to meet you. My name is Steve Yang. I am a Freshman at Hinsdale Central High School. I am taking Intro to Family & Consumer Class, World Culture, Freshman PE, Geometry and Earth Science. I just came to America three months ago so I also have to take a ESL class. I like the World Culture, PE, And Geometry. I also take some club in  our school too. Our school has hundred of club which you can take. I have taken the Kongfu Club and the Art Club.

I live in a three people family, I am the only child, so I do not have any brother or sister, but I have some cousin. My best friends is Scofield, Tao, Tam. I like to play computer games, watch movies, and listen to the music.

In the future, I want to be a designer. I want to design software,and electronic

xxyy'life style!

hi everyone. i am shize, fu. but i prefer you call me lee,. i am a 9 grade Hinsdale High School student. i have Digital Communication Tools class, ESL class, world culture class, earth science,study hall, math and gym.i play chess, i like chess so much. when play chess, i need to imagine how to move, how opponent moves, how to relate my move, how to develop my is so much fun when you actually know how to defect your opponent.

my mom and my dad they broke up when i was ten, now i am living with my mom.i almost forgot my dad.i am the only child. i have many friend , but my best friend is in china, his name is hua hu. a famous person said:  a man is lucky if he met a good friend in his life.i think i am lucky.when i was in china, i most like fun thing was sitting near by the school gate, talk about our life.this is so much fun.

i want to be author when i grow up.i like writing, reading.i want to write the most famous book in the future.this story must be good!


My Life

             My name is Damyana Kyoseva and I am a sophomore at Hinsdale Central High School. The school is very big. Most students like it a lot because they have the opportunity to meet new people in their classes. The school also offers many types of clubs and activities. I am taking English, Geometry, World Cultures, Physical Education, ELL, Biology and Academic Reading classes. ELL is a class for students whose first language is not English. This class helps them improve English and do homework.  I participate in the Graphic Design club. We meet every Wednesday after school (3:00 p.m). I like it because we can learn new things and we are designing stuff like flags, t-shirts, page covers, magazines for the school. My favorite subject is Geometry. It is easy for me and I have really good grades. 

Hinsdale Central High School

              Two years ago, my family and I moved to the United States. I have an older sister, she is 22 years old and studies Biology. My aunt and uncle are living here for 12 years. My grandparents are living in Bulgaria but this year they visited us. My best friends are in Bulgaria and I can't wait for this summer to see them. When I have free time, I like going to shopping, visiting my cousins or talking with my friends in Bulgaria.

           For my future, I have not decided yet what I want to work but I think of photography. I like taking pictures of everything and editing them. It looks like a really fun job and also photography combines what you like to do with the work and earning money.