Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Why do countries dominate other countries? Why do some high school students dominate other high school students?

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  1. because they think that they are better .

    1. because the other countries have more power than the other country , and the high school students dominate other high school student because they are bigger than them or they have a lot of friends which give them power .

  2. Some countries like to dominate other countries so they could get more powerful and bigger. Another reason why a country would want to dominate another country is so they could get more people which means the economy would get better. For example Europe took many Africans and turned them into their slaves. They had to do hard work like work in the farm or do house work.
    High school students like to dominate other students at school (especially the unpopular ones) so they could look cooler in front of everyone (their friends) by making fun or doing other bad stuff to the other students.

  3. because one of the school's student is more stronger than other school'student

  4. I think countries dominate other countries because maybe the rich country doesn't have the natural resources that the other country has but they are more powerful so they go and dominate the poor country that has the resources.
    Some high school students dominate other high school students for example by being bigger or stronger than the others, the way he dresses or if they are rich or poor.

  5. Countries dominate other countries because they want to make money out of their the natural resources,such as bigger lands, better environment; to have their large market. They also think they are better than other countries, so they want other countries to listen to them, look like them, and even believe their religion.

    Some high school students dominate other high school students because they think they are better than others, so they want what other students to listen to them. They also want some benefits from other students, such as take the book bags for them, do homework for them, cover the bad things they did, etc.

  6. The countries dominate other countries because they want more power, right, resource to make their country stronger. For example the Europe dominate Africa for they can get lot resource and they can let Africans be slave to work for them or trade to other country.

    Some high school dominate other high school student because they want be special to same age people, they was the smart and grade was good so they thought they are better than other people.

  7. the countries which stronger dominate other countries because they want to control the countries which is like africa , and stole the natural resources.

  8. I think the country dominate other country because they want more power and resource or the economic of their country.For example the European dominate Africa because they want make more money.The students dominate other students because they want to control someone that make them self feel better.

  9. Europeans dominated Africa because they wanted to have more control and make a lot of money. They used Africans as slaves. Africans were used to work in farms and mines. Europeans made their own rules and changed Africa's culture. They wanted to show Africans how to dress and teach them other religion.

    Some high school students dominate others based on their knowledge or how they behave.

  10. Many countries dominate other countries to get more power. Some countries dominate others because they want to have a big empire. Also they want to be a strong and powerful in the world. Europeans dominate on Africa because there were a lot of natural resources and other things like fertile and climate in Africa.

  11. There are a lot of reasons why high school students dominated other high school students. Take sports for an example. High school sports teams compete against each other to become one the best teams. They want to be dominant. Another example could be that if there is a student who needs help in work, sometimes what students do is make fun of them to show that they are dominant.

  12. Other countries dominate other countries for more land, resources,and to have control of more people and to make more money out of the land.To spread there religions and culture believes.Some high school students dominate other high school students by being smarter then each other for an example if one students got an A then the other student will try to get an A+ .Some try to dominate other students by having a better grade.

  13. The reason for the countries dominate other countries is because the more area the more resources you can get, and you can let slave to do the job for no paying, so they want to dominate other countries. They can get the gold, diamond or other natural resources. After use all of the resources from the country under dominate, they just get the people to be the slaves to them.
    Also in nowadays some of the high school students are try or already dominate other high school students, because they can use this way to get the money from the students who are been dominate, like say "if you guys want us to stop doing this just pay for your protect bill" and students dominate on other students are already all over the word, we have to know how protect ourselves.

  14. If a country is strong and powerful but don't have enough resources, and the weak country have more resources, then the stronger one want to dominate the smaller one

  15. I think some countries is very strong, they are ability to use every tricks to control and encroach other countries. This is why do countries other countries.
    I think some high school students are not good, but their schools are rich, huge, good, they just think themselves. This is why do some high school students dominate other high school students.

  16. There are a lot of reasons why countries dominate other countries. One of them is that they want to explore other countries so that they know the countries natural resources. Also, some of the countries want to get in control of more land to prove that they are one of the dominant country in the world. For example, during World War 2, the Germans dominated most of Europe. They were in control of a lot of countries. They wanted to be one of the most powerful country in the world. Another one is that natural resources. If there is some country that has a lot of natural resources, other countries would like to get in control of that specific country.

  17. Some high school students dominate other high schools by competing each other.

  18. Mostly countries dominate or take over other countries is because they want to get full control of that country, to improve your own country by taking over the natural resources of that country, getting different ideas about their new advancements. It could also happen because of religious reasons to teach about their culture to other country. Some high school students would probably dominate other high school students if they think they are more superior than the other students, have more abilities and try to show off in front of the other high school students.

  19. From my point of view, I thought the reasons why country dominate other countries were because they wanted to expand their land, or they wanted the natural resources that they don't have.If a country does not want to being bullied by the others then they need power, and dominating other countries was a way to show that they have the power.
    The reason why some high school students dominate other high school students is probably because they thought they were better and powerful than the others, and they want to prove it .
