Monday, May 13, 2013

The Cars #7

What Are Some Of The Common Car Expenses???

      Car expenses can be divided into preventative maintenance, different repair expenses and other operating expenses. Your car's maintenance expenses can include regular oil, radiator flushes and tune-ups etc.Car  repairs involve the replacement of malfunctioning parts. Special attention to these preventative maintenance can save you from spending a lot of money. It also reduces the frequency amount of these repairs expenses. Miscellaneous (other) expenses usually include things like gas, car insurance, and licensing that are obviously very important in order to keep your car moving otherwise it's just going to sit somewhere without having it fixed properly. Some of them necessary requirements are also required by the government itself. It's would be very useful if you keep track of all of these expenses in order to budget for them in the future.
      Preventative maintenance is an important expense related to the car ownership which is a great aspect to pay your attention to because most of the times people fails to notice it. Often people think that their car doesn't need any repairement as long as it's running correctly. It's not necessary for a vehicle to show any major symptoms and all of a sudden it's requiring a major repair. In order to prevent all this from happening, you have to schedule regular oil changes and milestone inspections to make sure your car is working fine and to avoid risks of breakdown. The manufacture's milestone inspections can also be very helpful in finding out the malfunctioning parts and to prevent them from further damage. If you know that your car really needs any  maintenance than you could schedule the maintenance timings ahead of time and it can also save you from financial loss.
      Repairing broken components of your car can be one of the most costly expenses. This basically includes to replace the seat belts or hoses for instance of your car which a car definitely requires over the course of time. High mileage vehicles can eventually develop some real problems that need to be replaced as soon as possible. Regular inspections can alert the owner to the upcoming failures but a typical car will unwelcome many of these expenses over the period of time.
      Miscellaneous expenses like gas, insurance, and toll fees can also contribute in the over all expenses which can be budgeted for along with other vehicle expenses. Whether a car is powered with gas or another source you can always calculate the fuel budget through the fuel mileage in order to add it in the other expenses. The calculation requires the cost of the fuel and the amount of miles the vehicle is driven. Insurance  should also be considered as a required thing to be done on time because it's also required by law. Car license expenses can also be very costly in some cases for some people. 

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Ten facts about China's economy

1. China has the second large economy in the world. (The first is USA)
2. The GPA in China is US$8.227 trillion per year.
3. In the early 1960 China has mix economy.
4. Since 1978 China's economy began to fast growing.
5. China has the world's largest trading power.
6. The trading reached US$2.85 trillion by 2010, it increase 18.7 percent over the previous year.
7. Chinese companies are listed in the Fortune Global 500.
8. Three of the world's top ten companies are Chinese.
9.The middle class population had reached 10 million  
10. China's export more than import.

Arab culture #7

Top ten lists.

  1. Coffee is essential to hospitality as it is in all Middle Eastern countries. It is the traditional sign of welcome.
  2. The fine lamb and mutton raised in the Middle East is the favorite meat of the people.
  3. Milk from cows or goats is usually converted to laban (yoghurt), or made into the cream cheese, labneh.
  4. The main cereals are rice and cracked wheat, called burghul.
  5. The Lebanese like to use their own fresh olive oil, or a clarified butter called samneh. The Turks use olive oil, vegetable shortening or butter, while in Saudi Arabia the preferred fat is ghee, usually obtained from goat or sheep milk.
  6. Arranged marriages are very common in the Arab world because the traditions of Arab culture and Islam forbid couples to have sex before marriage, so when it is time for a young man to get married, his family will look around to identify a number of potential brides such as the girls' physical beauty, her behaviour, her cleanliness, her conduct in front of elders, her education, her religious education(whether or not she has completed the memorization of the Quran), and finally her qualities as a housewife.       
  7. The bride's family hosts a reception in their home, where the groom formally asks for the bride's hand in marriage from her father or the eldest man in the family. After the father agrees, the families read the Fatiha and drink sharbat, a sweet cordial prepared from flowers or fruit.
  8. Engagements are in the Arab world are usually much like wedding parties, with the difference that the bride wears any dress she pleases. Usually, the bride and groom dress in matching colors. They exchange rings, putting the rings on each other's right-hand ring finger.
  9. bellydance is a Western-coined name for "solo, improvised dances based on torso articulation" originating from the Middle East, especially raqs sharqi.
  10. Belly dance in the Middle East has two distinct social contexts: As a folk or social dance, and as a performance art.


Pakistani weddings #7

  • There weddings are very fun and huge, and they have a lot of custom.
  • Tradition weddings celebrations lasts four days. 
  • Pakistani weddings are very similar to Indian weddings, but very different from American weddings.
  • Most of the bride and groom wears nice and colorful dresses on their weddings.
  •  Most people like arrange marriages in Pakistan.
  • Polygamy (4 marriages) are allowed for men in Islam.
  • American women wear a white dress at their weddings, and Pakistani women wear colorful dresses.
  • There are many celebration those are not part of the Islamic foundations.
  • Many people follow Indian culture in weddings.

Damascus city

A lot of information say that Damascus is the oldest city in the world, dating back to 9000 BC. But there is no any proof say that there was people live around Damascus.

1-Damascus is the  capital and largest city of Syria. It is also the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world


2-The old city of Damascus is completely surrounded by ramparts.

3-The people who live there called “Damascenes”.

4-Damascus is also known as “The City of Jasmin”.

5-Syrians are well-known for their very popular string cheese!

6-The city is only 50 miles from the Mediterranean Sea.

7-There are many coffeehouses in Damascus where Arabic coffee and tea is served, and hookah is readily available.

8-In 1946, Syria won and get the free from  France .

9-Due to the limited number of official bus stops, buses usually stop wherever a passenger needs to get on or off.

10-There are several towns in the United States also called Damascus; such as Damascus, Oregon with over 9,000 residents

11-A round Damascus city there city called Maloula and there people who live there they can speak  JESUUS language witch is Aramaic language. 

Extraterrestrial civilizations#5

The Article
"1 The crop circles makers can avoid no mature wheat and other plants :
We have seen all the pictures of the crop circles have a "parallel lines", which is the pressure traces form while tractor is sowing, sowing wheat will grow relatively slower in tractor's indentation. Crop circle maker actually avoid to overwhelm these immature wheat. Picture data show, the maker of the crop circles in the crop circle pattern can avoid thousands of pieces of grass, that means the wheat down, and the grass was still standing.

2 orbit line is very thin
You can found some very thin orbit line in some crop circle pattern . Is difficult to imagine how the maker can create so delicate and precision circle line.

3 The UFOs over the wheat fields always have common characteristics
Orange or white light-emitting objects are generally not very large, multiple object appear in the same time, most accompanied by sound."

Q1: Are those crop circles maker intelligent?
A: Yes, they can avoid the slow growing grass and put down the other wheat.

Q2: Are these guys accurate?
A: Yes, we can find a lot of very thin and perfect circle line in most of crop picture.

Q3: Why are the most crop circle pattern have the similar crafts?
A: Because all the UFOs have be seen over the crops are have common characteristics, like color, number and shape.

Technology Blog Post #7

11 technologies that changed our lives

1. Thomas Edison ran the first test of light bulb in 1879 but Joseph Swan created the bulb earlier. By 1885, 300,000 light bulbs were sold
2. Eastman Kodak developed the first camera with resolution of 0.01 megapixels and in 1975 the first picture was taken for 23 seconds.
3.  In 19th century the scientist were trying to find a way to communicating wirelessly but by the end they developed a radio. Developed in 1906
4.  Sewing machine -  1970 by Thomas Saint. The machine used an awl instead of a needle.
5.  Scientist in 19th century came up with the idea matches that lighted b/c of a chemical reaction but it was very dangerous (phosphorous) Later discovered red phosphorous is safer.
6.  Alexander Graham Bell - inventor of the telephone, worked with Antonio Meucci. First call in 1876
7.1853, Charles Pravaz and Alexander Wood developed a hypodermic syringe with a needle that will poke through the skin.
8.John Deere developed a technology that helped the farmers and now they didn't have to churn the dirt on their own. In 1837 he created a plow with saw-blade steel and worked in heavy soil
9. In the past one refrigerator was priced at $714 but they used dangerous chemicals. In 1930, Frigidaire developed a refrigerators with chlorofluorocarbons that was not dangerous chemical

Chinese Painting #7

Compare and Contrast Chinese Painting with Western Painting

1. Use different materials.
  • Chinese painting use water base paint
  • Western painting use oil color

2. Different dimension
  • Chinese painting: flat screen 
  • Western painting: three dimensional

3. The content of the painting
  • Chinese painting: mostly nature
  • Western painting: mostly portraits

10 list

1. I interesting for Egypt was she was 4 oldest country in world, 2300s ear ago.

2. The Egypt was around by desert it was very dry and hot, their has no snow.

3. At ancient the Egypt was rule by Pharaoh.

4. The Egypt was rule by other country like Persians, Greeks, RomanPersians, Greeks, Roman.

5. The famous building is pyramild, it build for Pharaoh, it the tomb for them.

6. The pyramild was danger, also it has lot treasure in their.

7.  The Nile river was born Egypt.

8. The ancient Egypt people ride of camel not horse because it around by desert.

9. The Egypt has their own famous dance and the were dress less becasue it very hot in Egypt.

10. The Egypt blieve the sun the Pharaoh was the perist and ruler.

I use the 10 list because it was the feature for Egypt it let us know how the Egypt is look like.

china 8

At the above seven festivals, Chinese people can enjoy days off. Besides, Chinese people celebrate four other festivals on which some people have a half day off - Women's Day, Youth Day, Children's Day and Army Day. Many other galas and anniversaries are celebrated even without days off, such as Arbor Day and Teachers' Day.
 Please  refer to the Detailed 2013 / 2014 / 2015 China Public Holiday Calendar.

The civil service departments such as the govement offices, embassies and schools are closed on the legal holidays. Elementary public service establishments like the public transport system run normally to facilitate the locals and tourists on their basic living and travel; however, please note that the banks and post offices only have their major branches opened on holidays, so it is better to go to those branches in the preosperous business districts in big cities, or arrange your money and post matters in advance of the holidays. Most of the hospitals run during holidays, but maybe only the basic deparments are available, without some famous specialists.

Business establishments acturally flourish during holidays, so there’s no need to worry about the shopping, dining, entertainment. Some shopping malls, shops, supermarkets and restaurants have promotions and discounts on festivals, and some even extend their opening time. On the Spring Festival, the grandest occasion for family reunion of the year, some personal shops and small restaurants are closed.

why do you write about the festivals in china?

which kind of the festival you want to join most?

what kind of the reason for you to read and write about this page?

Why did Russian Involve the Syrian Government? blog #9

Why did the Russian involve the Syrian government?

It's a good question to ask it. It's not Russian who involve the government also China involve it by using the VETO in UN Security Council. Russian involve it by sending weapons to help the government army also they send two ships with soldiers. some people think without Russian and China the government will end up in one year. There are some question also for the revolution for example why did Germany send a ship near Syria. The United States send an army to Jordan which is located in south of Syria it's kinda of World War III. 

I am not going to answer all these question in my article I am just going to explain one of them which is why did the Russian involve the Government. There are many reason one of them the Syrian government buy them weapon from Russian, so the Russian government scared if the Syrian government end Syria will buy not any more weapon from them which that effect the economy of the Russian government. Also Russian and Syria are using the communist system, but the revolution want to change Syria to capitalist country.

We already know the strongest country in the World is the United States of America and the two super power is China and Russian. The United States involve us which make Russian and China against it  because if Syria change there trade from Russian and China to Europe and United States, Russian and China will lose the middle east and Europe with the Untied States will have it with all his recourse like oil.

why people keep fghting

as you can see ,the cycle of the mankind:
Battle,  conquer , peace, revolution,battle......
this happened over over again ,but what make it happened?
i have three answers
lack of resource

bad leader

and desire

those thing make poeple fighting over and over again


Q: Who really invented rock&roll?

A: Actually, Rock &Roll was founded by many people, just like America. However, if you want to ask who contributed the most in the Rock&Roll history, there's a exact answer: the Beatles. No one person started rock 'n' roll. It was a black and white alloy of Fats Domino. Rock &Roll is a culture, a spirit, to use cynical music to express their hope of good life.

Q: Why people think The Beatles is so successful?

,A: The Beatles is not only one of the best rock bands, but also one of the biggest musical acts in history, The Beatles were a British rock band, formed in Liverpool in 1960. Their 1962 release of "Love Me Do" charted in the U. K., and in 1963 their song "She Loves You" was the biggest hit in U.K. history. Their personal charm and allure would appeal to many of their future fans. This would help boost "Beatlemania," and their tour of the U.S. in 1964 led to sold-out concerts and many crazed fan (mostly girls) mob scenes. Their movies "A Hard Day's Night" and "Help!" capitalized on their humor and youthful exuberance and were box office successes, and the hit songs kept coming! In 1964 they had five straight number one albums. In the late '60s their songs became more sophisticated and their worldwide celebrity status prompted Lennon to joke "we're bigger than Jesus." By 1970 they were no longer performing in public and were beginning to pursue individual projects. In December of 1970 McCartney brought a lawsuit to dissolve The Beatles as a legal entity, and the group broke up. Their hits are too numerous to mention, and their impact on pop music can't be overstated. There success in the music industry was incredible and unexplainable. 

Q: Yes I see The Beatles is really a great band. Can you give me a list of top 25 bands?

A: Every band has their own advantage about rock music. in my own opinion, here's the top 25 bands in my mind, let's check it out!

1The Beatles
2The Rolling Stones
4Led Zeppelin
6Jimi Hendrix
10Deep Purple
11Iron Maiden
12Guns N Roses
14The Eagles
17Lynyrd Skynyrd
18Pink Floyd
19Blue Oyster Cult
21The Grateful Dead
22Stevie Ray Vaughn
23Black Sabbath
24Red Hot Chili Peppers
25The Who


Foreign Languages in Lithuanian Schools #7

-Kids in Lithuania chose English as the second language to learn.
-English and German are the two main languages that kids want to learn in Lithuania.
-Kids in Lithuania start to learn their foreign language in fifth grade usually.
-French is also one of the foreign language you can learn in Lithuanian schools.
-Parents have to decide what language their kids are going to be learning in school.
-English is the first most popular foreign language learned in Lithuania schools.
-German language is more chosen in schools than French.
-Parents like Russian language more then their kids do.

# 9 music

              These two resources talk about the music in Egypt. They talk about the difference types of music in Egypt. They talk about who started music in Egypt so if your inserted and want more information go click on the links up there.

Whaling #7,8599,1686486,00.html

So the author youself is a Japanese,
   Why are you writing this article?  I can't endure such action even though I am a Japanese, so I wrote this article to show that whaling is horrible thing to do.
   Are you a protester? Yes, and that's why i wrote this article.
    Do you agree protesters action toward Japanese whaling ships? I  agreed because I believed such action will stop the horrible action one day.